Prince Charming: Unexpected visits and other hate crimes

Not too long ago, in a distant land filled with rocks and dust, I received an unexpected visit. This visit was of the unsolicited, undiscussed, and unexpected variety.

I was taken aback.

You see, in this day and age, my assumption has always been that all my visitors would at least give me a call before embarking on a journey to my home. This was an unspoken understanding for the treacherous place I once called home.

However, my secret visitor journeyed to me regardless. It seems to me that the mission was to make a delivery, although at times, I entertain the idea that my visitor possibly waited so long they grew tired and decided to leave, both my place and a message.

When I arrived at my abode after what happened to be a long day of marketing, all I wanted to do was sleep.

However, as I was about to touch my door, my eyes caught sight of a carefully curated gift. It reminded me of a time at the same residence when I found a carrier bag full of human feces beside my wall. With the full knowledge that this watery mess was not mine, I asked my neighbors about it, and they informed me that it was some sort of insurance policy for thieves intent on stealing my 32-inch Samsung and whatever else they found valuable in my two-bedroom semi-detached house.

Luckily, my television and its companions are still with me.

But this wasn’t human waste. This was another form of arts and crafts. I’m not sure if it was meant to be inconspicuous, but I immediately recognized it.

You see, I strive to be very alert and aware of my environment. Perhaps that’s because I have a mild form of OCD or due to my diet of crime movies and documentaries, but I digress.

I found a peculiar little package at my door and another similar one in my shower, as I had left the window open when I left home. It was a 360-degree drop.

In any case, the paraphernalia was disposed of appropriately. Noticeably, the arts and crafts project resembled what would conventionally be described as charms, but I can assure you with some certainty that it was not a charming experience.

Being someone who tends to retreat inwards, I wondered if this was karma coming to settle my debts. After all, I was held responsible by many “lovely” individuals for unwittingly breaking their hearts.

Additionally, I pondered the envy I might have stirred up merely because I work for a multinational company. I grasped at every angle as I rationalized my fate.

Was society implying, “You’re grown now, boss, get married or we’ll make you?”

Was this a prank? An elaborate trick by someone who binge-watched Gone Girl? The possibilities seemed endless.

With the strength of stoic philosophy, which fortunately hadn’t deserted me, I quickly reached a conclusion while debating who might have been driven to such lengths.

My stance remains as it has for most of my life experiences: every action has consequences, we are who we are, you can either change circumstances or accept them, you can live a life of fear or one of freedom.

I found items at my door, and I forgive whoever did that for whatever reason they might have had. In those actions, I see sadness. I only hope they can forgive me for whatever it is I did to them, and that they find some solace.

I also forgive the person who created a fake Tinder account and shared my two phone numbers with countless men a month later. These gentlemen called me incessantly, only to be disappointed when they found out I wasn’t the girl they thought they were chatting with. We had a laugh, and they shut it down. Hilarious.

I also forgive the person who spoke negatively about what they believed to be my financial situation at a party and vehemently denied this. This was years ago, but I’ve carried this with me, as I’m not one to disregard those who dislike me.

I forgive the person who sent messages via burner accounts, taunting and trying to disparage me and others I know.

I’ve transitioned from a predominantly Machiavellian outlook on life to a more holistic one. Frankly, I haven’t shared many details due to the complexities that arise when involving others. However, I’m sharing this as a teaching moment for myself and others.

Life is short; be good to people. Love people. But be cautious of people. Live without fear. Forgive, but don’t forget.

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